Wednesday, August 04, 2010

"From small beginnings come great things"

For years and years I have wanted to start my very own blog. Now seems like perfect time to blog about the things that I love in life-- the things that are most important to me, and the little details that make every day a little happier. I am about to start my sophomore year at the College, where I am a history and women's studies double major heading in the direction of pre-law. Besides taking on a challenging course load, I am training for my first half marathon (hopefully to be run in November!), fulfilling my duties as a vice president in my sorority, and taking on an law internship which will last about nine months.

This blog is the place that I will escape from my wonderfully overwhelming reality by talking about fashion and trends, posting interesting quotes, sharing favorite photographs, discussing my desire to travel to every single corner of the world, and in general my thoughts on life, love, and everything that sparkles.

"Fashion fades, only style stays the same" -Coco Chanel

1 comment:

  1. I love the jacket! i am totally preppy as well!
    I'm training for a 10km run at the moment. just come back from a training run now.
    Your blog looks great. cant wait for more posts
    Sal xx
